Friday, September 10, 2010

Hello everyone!

Well we have been super slack with the blog of late......(in fact i don't know off-hand what number day we are even on!) oops... but not slack with the challenge. I guess it has just become normal routine now that it is not so much of a 'challenge' any more. Which means success! Its like when you learn a new language and then get to the point where you stop translating things and just talk and understand them naturally. hmm, I don't actually speak a 2nd language, but I have been told that is what happens!

We have had to compromise sometimes, for example, we needed cotton buds which usually are made up of a plastic stick with the two cotton ends, but I did find some wooden alternatives, but in a plastic bag.. I have learnt that you can't always be 100% satisfied, but choosing the better option is still effective.

I (Ceire) went on holiday to Melbourne last week and it was great. So much to see and do, and a pretty forward-thinking city. I bought a couple of non-plastic things while I was there, I have to admit... but still tried my best to stick to the challenge. Guy visited South Africa for 2weeks and did pretty well, taking his own bag when he went out clothes shopping, and made sure most of the gifts he brought back were non-plastic.

I think there is about 25days to go, and I have been making some predictions on how life will be after this 100 days is over. We will definitely stick to buying paper-wrapped products when it is easy to choose it as the alternative, and doing this has certainly enlightened us to products that are available.
We will go out and buy cheese for sure, miss that, although cream cheese is a good substitute -we haven't been organised enough to coordinate with Taste Nature on getting some with our own container.
I will still buy pick'n'mix in the paper mushroom bags, even if check-out chicks give me weird looks. And I will still encourage others to reduce their plastic use.
We will definitely continue to bake our own bread too.
Just remember if its not a number 1 or 2 plastic (recyclable), (or a bio-plastic) it most likely continue to exist almost forever! We can stop adding to the landfill, ocean litter and reduce our consumption of oil if we just change a few little habits, which as it turns out is not that difficult :)

Some more pics coming soon


  1. Get your cheese from here

    I don't know if they currer it down to Duniden, but they deffently do up north. If you get a whole one it dosn't have plasic but it just has a wax outing. You may want to find sombody that want to buy half of it off you though. Deffently cheek it out.

    I think it is grate what you are doing. My plan is to do this for one month at some point. It will be ALOT harder with 2 kids.

  2. A few years ago when I was home in the states, my sister and I went clothes shopping and didn't take a bag for anything- we also didn't bring a bag- it all went in the purse. By the end of the shopping spree I'm sure it looked pretty strange when our purses were bursting with stuff... But it was spontaneous and we still managed to save a few sea turtles I'm sure!
